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about this sites's creator:  kata billups

seeking spiritual power in her teens- kata investigated paranormal activity, gurus, world religions, philosophies, etc. she experienced some phenomena. following a psychotic break-

she joined a meeting in a friend's basement and found the ultimate spiritual experience..


more on that later...


since that time she developed as a visual artist (painter)

and now has collectors world-wide.

for more on that - click the blue box to the right 

during covid-time she and her husband started making short videos about deciphering spiritual matters;

like incubus spirits, kundalini spirits,

madam blavatsky, aliens, demons, etc.the short films often have kata in character and incorporate kata's art in the scene.

this page contains some of  those videos (with more coming soon).

if you are interested in more- please see the other pages on this site. 

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